
Personal Data and Confidentiality

When viewing the GAZOCEAN website, you are required to provide the Company’s in-house services with your personal data.

Why and to what end are my data used?

We use your data in particular to :

  • Manage your application to the Company,
  • Answer your questions concerning your Consulting needs,
  • Answer your questions concerning your training needs,
  • Answer any other questions and requests for information.

In the event of transfer of your personal data within or outside of the European Union, we proceed in strict compliance with the terms of protection stipulated by applicable regulations.

How long are my personal data kept for ?

Your personal data are kept for periods of time determined by our purposes and legal obligations.

  • Application to join the Company: data kept for 6 months after the information is sent or for the duration of the contract.
  • Requests concerning your consultancy needs: data kept for 6 months after being sent or for the duration of the contract
  • Requests concerning your training needs: data kept for 6 months or 3 years after the training.
  • Other solicitations and requests for information: data kept for 6 months if no other contact.


What are your rights and how do you exercise them ?

As per the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, you have access, correction, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability rights.

To exercise your rights, please send us a message, with accompanying proof of identity, either by email to or by regular post to GAZOCEAN – 132 boulevard Michelet – CS 10040 – 13372 Marseille cedex 08

Finally, you can also submit a claim to the French data protection authority.


Who can I contact in the event of a problem ?


For further information on personal data, please contact our DPO, or view the CNIL website.